A Race for Everyone
Convincing people to participate in the worlds greatest race (for example, Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon) is surprisingly complex. Have you ever tried to convince someone to join in the fun? I assume everyone wants to join in the fun, but they feel it is not for them for whatever reasons and then they opt out. That is what I am guessing at least.For me, it is extremely challenging to convince people to race. It is always up to the person themselves to go. However, I could say that I proudly was able to convince some people who otherwise would have never considered participating.
There are some common barriers that may or may not apply in which people do not come out. I'd like to share some common barriers that I have encountered, maybe you could agree or not, but at least reinforce that everyone should experience at least one race.
The Projection Dreamers
Runners are dreamers while they train, how else can they achieve so much and stay motivated? It isn't the dreaming that blocks people from participating in a race. It is how people dream that may condition exclusivity.There are two main types of dreamers that may block participation in a race:
- The Dream Gamers
Dream gamers have a desire to include as many people as they could that would fit their dream model. They needed to know the who, the where, the when and the what of every single person and if they are celebrities, what a better fit. With that information, one could puzzle together what would fit into their dream world. Dream gaming is a great way to interact with people and it provides a sense of friendliness that resonates the complex dream gaming landscape.
The only fallacy of dream gamers is the dependency on others to participate in their own dreams. They set expectations on the participation of others and often feel let down if their counterparts do not meet what may fit their dreams.
- Dream Crashing
On the other side of the coin is dream crashing in which one is aware of the dream gaming enactment. It is in their best interest to ensure they are not part of any dreams that do not align with their own models. They spend a lot of their time focusing on other targets and making sure they are completely antagonistic to those dreams.
Dream gamers have a desire to include as many people as they could that would fit their dream model. They needed to know the who, the where, the when and the what of every single person and if they are celebrities, what a better fit. With that information, one could puzzle together what would fit into their dream world. Dream gaming is a great way to interact with people and it provides a sense of friendliness that resonates the complex dream gaming landscape.
The only fallacy of dream gamers is the dependency on others to participate in their own dreams. They set expectations on the participation of others and often feel let down if their counterparts do not meet what may fit their dreams.
On the other side of the coin is dream crashing in which one is aware of the dream gaming enactment. It is in their best interest to ensure they are not part of any dreams that do not align with their own models. They spend a lot of their time focusing on other targets and making sure they are completely antagonistic to those dreams.
Both dream gamers and dream crashing spend an exuberant amount of time focused on other people. Which is absolutely great! The only misinterpretation with that time exhausted is that it is always future focused based upon sand castles that are no longer in construction. It is the disassociation between the past and the future where each of these two types of dreams are not able to focus on the present.
A race most likely does not align with a dream, mostly due to the nature of it's momentous impact, anything can go wrong. Runners dream in their training all the way up to the race, but on race day, dreams become a confronted reality. The purpose of dreaming is for possibilities and confronting that chance may bear elusiveness. To hash away externalized actors in the dream is a very scary place, nevertheless, the atmosphere of a race buffers with numbers. The more the people, the better, which is why projection dreamers need to show themselves.
Race day helps dreams come true!
The Smokers

There are two types of smokers that may feel there may be a blocker to participate:
- The Cage Breakers
These types of smokers consistently break themselves out of any given cages. There are numerous studies which show that the affect on cage size and the frequency of reward responses on a subject increases adverse effects of aging, illness and negative behaviors. People that are veteran smokers have the ability to break out of those cages so that those stress factors have less impact on their livelihood. This is a great ritual to manage stress, but of course we know of the consequences using commercialized synthetic chemical induced products on our organic states.
- The Einstein
No, this is not a new dance move. There was a smartie pants named Albert Einstein who took great pride in enjoying a cigar succeeding every milestone he reached in his work. He smoked as a way to take a moment and appreciate life and his achievements. These are the best types of smokers. Whenever a friend asks me for advice on how to quit smoking, I always give them the same response: "if you enjoy smoking, then why quit?". Now, the cage breaking smokers never understand what this means and they keep on smoking thinking they are doing the Einstein, but the Einstein smokers know very well what I am talking about. If they want to quit, they just quit knowing there is always something out there in life that can be used as a token of appreciation.
These types of smokers consistently break themselves out of any given cages. There are numerous studies which show that the affect on cage size and the frequency of reward responses on a subject increases adverse effects of aging, illness and negative behaviors. People that are veteran smokers have the ability to break out of those cages so that those stress factors have less impact on their livelihood. This is a great ritual to manage stress, but of course we know of the consequences using commercialized synthetic chemical induced products on our organic states.
No, this is not a new dance move. There was a smartie pants named Albert Einstein who took great pride in enjoying a cigar succeeding every milestone he reached in his work. He smoked as a way to take a moment and appreciate life and his achievements. These are the best types of smokers. Whenever a friend asks me for advice on how to quit smoking, I always give them the same response: "if you enjoy smoking, then why quit?". Now, the cage breaking smokers never understand what this means and they keep on smoking thinking they are doing the Einstein, but the Einstein smokers know very well what I am talking about. If they want to quit, they just quit knowing there is always something out there in life that can be used as a token of appreciation.
If you know what type of smoker you are dealing with, it makes it easier to approach them. It just takes you showing them how they can create for themselves that personal fire. The Einstein runners are easy, just let them know they can enjoy a nice smoke once they complete their race.
As for the cage breakers, just ask them this simple question... Why are they in a cage in the first place? If they see the worlds greatest race (for example, Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon) without a cage, they are convinced and will join.
A race is a token of appreciation!
The Sedentary
Sedentary people are everyone, I am one of these people. No matter what I do in my life, no matter how hard I try, there is always something sedentary. Whether it is managing education, managing career, managing health, managing expectations of others, managing others expectations of me, managing my carbon footprint, managing finances, managing stress, managing time... there is always something out of balance that needs attention. There requires so much energy to start up something that has been lacking attention for so long.The sedentary people are the most important people to participate since it is those very people who reflect what life is all about on race day. Life is all about engagement and balance and attention and patiently seeing things through to the finish line, no matter what pace, what style, no matter how it is done.
As for the common blocker for sedentary people to join a race. They feel they are expected to compete and race out of the realms of their own limited capability. However, it is very common with runners or walkers to pace themselves in a race and ensure they do not push beyond their limits. So then, why do sedentary people feel they must push themselves beyond their limits any different from every other single competitor in the race. Convincing a sedentary person to participate is quite easy.
They just have to know that their pace is their race.
The Scrooge
A scrooge can be visited by the ghost of the past or the ghost of the present and they will not ever change their mood. They tell you about all the qualms of the race, that it costs money, they never show up and support the runners, they make noise about road closures or the injuries or the weather. When they scrooge the race, they scrooge everything and everybody.There is no need for convincing scrooges, let them be for the moment. When they are visited by the ghost of the future, they return from that experience supporting every other runner in the race, and complete the race with smiles, bearing great gifts for all.
Why a Race is for Everyone
Why is a race for everyone? The more people who participate in a race, the more likely the race represents the people who are in the race. The more people who support the race, the more likely the race represents that community and charities supporting the race. When one opts out of participating in a race prevents a great experience for everyone. What makes a great race is more and more people. A race is where you see happy, supportive, appreciative people where:
- Race day helps dreams come true!
- A race is a token of appreciation!
- Everyone's own pace is their race!
- A race bears gifts for all!
ReplyDeletep.s. I like the sedentary cat!!