Sunday, December 14, 2014

Gloss Training

There is that appeal to do the fancy dancy cross training.  We all heard about it, we all know about it, some of us are fans, some are great at coordinating these training activities...

As for myself, I am a cross training advocate, no doubt.  I have some cross training advice to share with you.   You gotta explore some cross training on your own, with nobody else around, all by yourself, so that you get an opportunity to discover your hidden talents and skills.

Who would ever suggest lonesomeness...  Let me troll you through the various types of cross training that I know about so that you can understand where I am coming from.

Group Classes

This is where a whole bunch of people confine into a single place.  These are a lot of fun.  You need a trainer for these types of events who lead synchronously like a dance or asynchronous intervals.  You are motivated by your peers and press your competitive spirit.     If you are in the middle of the pack, then it is great.

One to One

A personal trainer is a great chance to explore functional ways to improve on all types of movements and demands.   You'll definitely be pushed to work hard and balance yourself out right.  You'll get a lot of feedback and learn tips and tricks you never knew possible.  There are just some things you want to do on your own, but then when the trainer is not around, would you ever do those workouts?  probably not.

Gloss Training

Gloss training is when you workout at home, all by yourself, and you get to gloss over those workout activities you just do not like to do.  Focusing only on those activities you enjoy.   It is a great trick because if you gloss well, then you will always ensure that you are doing all of the workouts you need to do, even if you don't want to do them.  

How to Gloss?

So, complimenting the basics of "Group Class" structure and "One to One", I usually go to the Insanity Asylum program.  I use to be a personal trainer, I use to try to train a lot of different programs, I did weight sets of increasing reps, Yoga, P90X, Insanity.  I really pushed through those programs... to the point of really not enjoying it so much more as I just wanted visual results.

The Asylum program, I feel compliments long distance running demands, prevents injury, builds confidence.  That allows me to care less about the visual and more so the functional (which if done right eventually attributes the visual).

When I am alone, in my own space, trying out these workouts, I really just take it easy.  Halfway through an interval, if I really don't feel like it, I grab some water, chill out, hop around and wait for the next block of activity.   When I hit an activity that I like, I go all out, then next, back again, to chilling out, taking it easy.   I'm glossing it.  

I find when I'm glossing it, I am more relaxed and I get a chance to figure out particular movements that keep me from doing it right for the workouts that I feel wrong.   When it doesn't feel right, it is just how I am balanced, or how I position myself thinking.  Adjustments simply find an easier way to do an exercise.  It does come with time as well because some of the workouts need a base that just is not prevalent day one.    I wouldn't get there if I was pushing myself to extreme exhaustion.

Gloss training, it is great, because I learn a lot about what I like to do, what I do well, and what I suck at.  I'm at home, who cares.   I find myself more viable to engage longer term building functional aptitude to handle myself out there in that demanding world.  At the same time, I am still engaged in a High Intensity Training program because when it feels right, I go for it!

yeah, so cross training... Try to gloss it!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Running Dimensions

An infinite array of universes, all mutually exclusive, yet aligned at simpler dimensions.  Each of these, you've been in, will be in, or are in now.  You slip in and out of each universe, unknowingly, sometimes at indication, jumping infinitely.

Ever wonder why the world behaves crazy, or all fits together like a summers breeze?   A course that wasn't relevant yesterday, may not be relevant on the next moment.   Each universe you slip into seems exactly the same, as the previous and the next.  The only difference are those things where a singular cannot be contained.

Sense of Dimensions

You could run and train, time over and again, only to find one day, all that was is not the same.  Your legs feel heavy, you are very tired, nothing you thought would do makes sense...  All of the running you've done before seems as there is no more.

At times, where you are, whether a new route or the same, seems separate from the rest of the world.  The world that you are acquainted with, everything in your past, that you've seen and heard, doesn't feel as real as the moment you are right now, this very moment, while you are running.

It doesn't matter that you feel out of place, that you cannot run well, like gravity itself has a force all new to you.  Regardless of all, this place, where you are running, is a sense of a place that is of itself and in it's own time.  Almost, in a way, as if time has stopped...   Telling you that all dimensions align the same at this very place, you can just tell there is something unique, this moment, this time, this pace.

If you push too much, if you worry and push your fitness, to try to pick up your pace, to feel like your running should add up to something else...  You just might jump away, to another universe.

That new place you have just ran through stays in your mind.  You visit that same place, time and time again, to find that same feeling, but it just doesn't come around.  Or quite the opposite, where there may be a single place where you always feel the same, which doesn't match anywhere else you run.

You slip into various universes, but cannot relate nor recreate, but only wait for that next chance to find yourself in the place you appeal best.


Not one of us can trace what triggers us to move between universes.  Almost as if there is a recess bell that goes off we cannot hear.  Some of us spend our entire lives searching for the source of that bell.  Others, worry wholeheartedly that the next bell is going to go off at the wrong time, end up in a hostile place that seems to not end.

Everything is the same, within each universe, at the simpler dimensions.  The only difference are those things which cannot be controlled, cannot contain.   What are these elements that a Universe cannot trace?  The answer comes to you during your run.

There is something about running that gauges one particular place to be isolated from the rest of the world.  As if, those things, that the universe cannot contain is expressed.   While only for a moment, it is there, the next it is gone.

We cannot control it just as much as it cannot be contained.

Next time that you run, find that place that is special.  What you have found is what is most free.  It won't make you faster, nor lighter or heavier - you cannot control the Universe with it - nevertheless, you captured it's essence.

The Infinite Run

The basis of infinite, is that if you take a piece away, you are still left with infinite...  If one run is not like the rest, taking that away from the entirety of the experience is redundant.

Capture the essence of your run and do not measure how heavy or fast or slow you feel.  Find what cannot be contained and carry that with you wherever you may slip into.  Instead of taking away from your run what you feel is not working, find what is infinite in the moment.

Treat your run as if it was an infinite moment - find that which inspire you, motivate you, that keep you moving forward, without looking at the end result.

Friday, November 7, 2014



Imaginaining is a play with words out of the idea of drawing power out of imagination while training.  The beauty of our imagination reveals much unbounded energy that no plan could offer.  It is a world unreachable, never to be, always striving, just beyond.   Unlike the predominant message, that hard work brings dreams to reality, the age old tale, a righteous tale unattainable for my run today.

It is not dreams coming true that matters as much to stay as they are, dreams.  To live the dream like a child at play.

So, how does one imaginaine, and how do we unleash it's full potential?


My body feels so relaxed when I run, even at times when it hurts, when I feel heavy, feel slow, though relaxed and easiness carries me along.  Nothing stops me when I go, the speed I run is my speed, nothing else compares, no matter how much faster others may seem, my body is the most relaxed, feels the best, feels so strong, so loose.   Any tired or lethargic feeling I had previous to my run is gone.  Any frustrations or elusiveness, not a worry, as I am fully in control with no vice holding me.  I am one with my body, fully and completely...


Whenever I go outside for a run, I am one with the elements.   The wind and the sun and the temperature, aligned perfectly to challenge me.  I can feel the wind pushing towards me when I need the challenge and it pushes at my back to help me with a break.  The trees, to my sides, are feeding the air, and how fresh and inspiring it is to inhale.  

I am one with the world while I am running as if it is speaking to me, aligned with me along my adventure.   The world is most alive while I run, it is as if the world itself wakes up in all places I pass through.

The world, actually, is a dream itself just the same.  When I run, I am running wherever I want to feel that I am running.  Whether on the sandy beach or in a jungle...  Even if I am not exactly there, I feel it, I imagine it.   I could even feel I am running in the worlds best marathons, on the best courses, even if where I actually am may not be so.


Everytime I set my foot outside for a run, I am already setting many world records.  I am already a world champion before I am even halfway through my run.   Regardless who runs by me, they have no understanding that it is me, who is the best, most awesome runner that has ever set foot.

That is the art of Imaginaining.   It is to feel, with no respect to any feedback of time or comparison to others, that we are the best that can be.  There are so many other factors that play in my life and with all of the constraints and setbacks, everytime I set out for a run, I am beating anyone in the entire world history.  If anyone were to be able to align exactly the same factors and experiences that I have had, there is no way they could match me.  Nobody understands what it takes for me to go for a run.   I am the best in the world, I am the best runner ever and when I run, I feel so great, so wonderful.

I set records, I win, I am the best at what I do.  The advantage is that everytime I run, I keep getting better, breaking even more records, getting faster, lasting longer.


It is with imagination, where I run best.  I no longer am in pursuit of my dreams... I run in my dreams.

On race day, when it is me against others in a race, it does not matter to me who wins.   Most important to me, is doing my best and when I run I am the best regardless of anything else.

It is with imagination, how I run.  With imagination, how I train.   I do not need to care who is faster than me, who is way out of my physical reach...  They do not have what I have and if they did, I would definitely be way better than them.  

All that matters is what gets me out to run.

Friday, October 24, 2014



I question to myself numerous times what really got me into running.  Superficially, it seems simple to address: continual improvement, the pace stimulating, outdoor activity, races to engage, keeps health in check, the challenge, the list goes on.   Specific to the challenge of the road race, felt like a catch phrase, to assume that was in itself rewarding.    A city street or park pathway that can change utility for a staged event.  A stage that can be entertaining, social and supportive for the community.  The solace in supporting a charity demonstrates purpose of the social fabric.  I am in a whirlwind of accepting any potential advantage as my inspiration for running.

I nevertheless feel empty... I cannot come up with owning up to antiquity of a single road racing event.  My main interest over-arches the singularly point of time performance feedback.

Why the constant hunger for timed performance metrics used as a statistic feeding my growth?  The statistics elicited improvement expressed as a set of personal bests all congruent of my commitment.   The personal best milestones I achieve provides personal assessment, integrating into a lifestyle.

There are so many advantages to the lifestyle, but again, I find there is something even deeper which keeps me so interested, so engaged.  Beyond these entertaining stage performances, advantages to the life style and feedback loops ... ... ... ...

It dawned on me recently why I immersed myself into the running world.

I am in the dark.

Apart from celebrating racing performances to reinforce my current personae, in the end, it is only momentary, pressing forward to the next milestone, next achievement, next personal best.  Celebrating as if clarity of my persona has been achieved, how defined in the light.  Training plans, coaching, measured diets, disciplined workouts, all providing guidance, providing light, harnessing permanence.


There is a concept of a soul and a concept of a spirit.  Are they the same, twins or multi-faceted extensions to my persona.  When I run, I am sure my spirit, or a spirit is exclusive, reserved for separate exploration.  The steadfast and experience of everything, that is always dealing with the elements of the world, dealing with the day to day... I can potentially understand that as my soul to which my various persona come and go and change.

Some persona become irrelevant, such as the persona discovered and pushed into the consciousness of others, while other personae change priority with a changing aging world.  What if, that persona is impermanent, not part of this world, out of touch with reality.  What if, the soul is all that is real and all else are tools, even our own selves we use as our own tools.  So then, why would I even attempt to impose my personal bests to my persona that is fleeting...  Personal bests then are my feedback to teach me capability to move beyond my persona to something more tangible.

The word "Soul" has so many connotations with breath.   At all levels of running, whether a personal best or a regular tempo, in it's essence is my only opportunity of controlled breath.

It is only through running that I can align with my physical limitations and find boundaries, that do not readily align with my ego.   It is only through running that I can become more aware of what is my most comfortable pace to handle a strenuous activity.  I am able to maintain my engagement with the elements of this world as I keep aligned with my capabilities.

The reason why I feel I keep coming back to running over and over is because those moments I am aligned.  But that alignment is real and I only get to experience that reality those moments I am pacing with the elements and understanding there are places I am going that my persona is not in control.  There are places that my tools do not have the leverage and power that I assumed must have existed.

I learn from this to listen to my body more, to quieten my directed thinking to what is directing me, ultimately, to listen to something more real than the noise I am creating... to listen to my soul... through my breath.  

I align to what is most real and that answers my question why I am immersed in the running world.

Monday, October 13, 2014

A Race for Everyone

A Race for Everyone

Convincing people to participate in the worlds greatest race (for example, Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon) is surprisingly complex.  Have you ever tried to convince someone to join in the fun?  I assume everyone wants to join in the fun, but they feel it is not for them for whatever reasons and then they opt out.  That is what I am guessing at least.

For me, it is extremely challenging to convince people to race.  It is always up to the person themselves to go.  However, I could say that I proudly was able to convince some people who otherwise would have never considered participating.

There are some common barriers that may or may not apply in which people do not come out.  I'd like to share some common barriers that I have encountered, maybe you could agree or not, but at least reinforce that everyone should experience at least one race.

The Projection Dreamers

Runners are dreamers while they train, how else can they achieve so much and stay motivated?  It isn't the dreaming that blocks people from participating in a race.  It is how people dream that may condition exclusivity.

There are two main types of dreamers that may block participation in a race:

  • The Dream Gamers
    Dream gamers have a desire to include as many people as they could that would fit their dream model.  They needed to know the who, the where, the when and the what of every single person and if they are celebrities, what a better fit.  With that information, one could puzzle together what would fit into their dream world.  Dream gaming is a great way to interact with people and it provides a sense of friendliness that resonates the complex dream gaming landscape. 
    The only fallacy of dream gamers is the dependency on others to participate in their own dreams.  They set expectations on the participation of others and often feel let down if their counterparts do not meet what may fit their dreams.
  • Dream Crashing
    On the other side of the coin is dream crashing in which one is aware of the dream gaming enactment.  It is in their best interest to ensure they are not part of any dreams that do not align with their own models.   They spend a lot of their time focusing on other targets and making sure they are completely antagonistic to those dreams.

Both dream gamers and dream crashing spend an exuberant amount of time focused on other people.  Which is absolutely great!  The only misinterpretation with that time exhausted is that it is always future focused based upon sand castles that are no longer in construction.  It is the disassociation between the past and the future where each of these two types of dreams are not able to focus on the present.

A race most likely does not align with a dream, mostly due to the nature of it's momentous impact, anything can go wrong.    Runners dream in their training all the way up to the race, but on race day, dreams become a confronted reality.  The purpose of dreaming is for possibilities and confronting that chance may bear elusiveness.  To hash away externalized actors in the dream is a very scary place, nevertheless, the atmosphere of a race buffers with numbers.  The more the people, the better, which is why projection dreamers need to show themselves.

Race day helps dreams come true!

The Smokers

It is expected that if I tell you that I am a smoker, you know just to walk away, to not ever invite me.  That walking away hurts the smokers, because even though they want to create the luminosity that they are proven veterans of their personal fire, that does not mean they do not also yearn affection.  

There are two types of smokers that may feel there may be a blocker to participate:

  • The Cage Breakers
    These types of smokers consistently break themselves out of any given cages.   There are numerous studies which show that the affect on cage size and the frequency of reward responses on a subject increases adverse effects of aging, illness and negative behaviors.  People that are veteran smokers have the ability to break out of those cages so that those stress factors have less impact on their livelihood.  This is a great ritual to manage stress, but of course we know of the consequences using commercialized synthetic chemical induced products on our organic states.
  • The Einstein
    No, this is not a new dance move.  There was a smartie pants named Albert Einstein who took great pride in enjoying a cigar succeeding every milestone he reached in his work.  He smoked as a way to take a moment and appreciate life and his achievements.   These are the best types of smokers.   Whenever a friend asks me for advice on how to quit smoking, I always give them the same response:  "if you enjoy smoking, then why quit?".  Now, the cage breaking smokers never understand what this means and they keep on smoking thinking they are doing the Einstein, but the Einstein smokers know very well what I am talking about.  If they want to quit, they just quit knowing there is always something out there in life that can be used as a token of appreciation.

If you know what type of smoker you are dealing with, it makes it easier to approach them.  It just takes you showing them how they can create for themselves that personal fire.   The Einstein runners are easy, just let them know they can enjoy a nice smoke once they complete their race. 

As for the cage breakers, just ask them this simple question... Why are they in a cage in the first place?  If they see the worlds greatest race (for example, Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon) without a cage, they are convinced and will join.

A race is a token of appreciation!

The Sedentary

Sedentary people are everyone, I am one of these people.  No matter what I do in my life, no matter how hard I try, there is always something sedentary.  Whether it is managing education, managing career, managing health, managing expectations of others, managing others expectations of me, managing my carbon footprint, managing finances, managing stress, managing time... there is always something out of balance that needs attention.  There requires so much energy to start up something that has been lacking attention for so long.

The sedentary people are the most important people to participate since it is those very people who reflect what life is all about on race day.   Life is all about engagement and balance and attention and patiently seeing things through to the finish line, no matter what pace, what style, no matter how it is done.

As for the common blocker for sedentary people to join a race.  They feel they are expected to compete and race out of the realms of their own limited capability.  However, it is very common with runners or walkers to pace themselves in a race and ensure they do not push beyond their limits.   So then, why do sedentary people feel they must push themselves beyond their limits any different from every other single competitor in the race.  Convincing a sedentary person to participate is quite easy.

They just have to know that their pace is their race.

The Scrooge

A scrooge can be visited by the ghost of the past or the ghost of the present and they will not ever change their mood.  They tell you about all the qualms of the race, that it costs money, they never show up and support the runners, they make noise about road closures or the injuries or the weather.  When they scrooge the race, they scrooge everything and everybody.

There is no need for convincing scrooges, let them be for the moment.  When they are visited by the ghost of the future, they return from that experience supporting every other runner in the race, and complete the race with smiles, bearing great gifts for all.

Why a Race is for Everyone

Why is a race for everyone?  The more people who participate in a race, the more likely the race represents the people who are in the race.  The more people who support the race, the more likely the race represents that community and charities supporting the race. When one opts out of participating in a race prevents a great experience for everyone.  What makes a great race is more and more people.  A race is where you see happy, supportive, appreciative people where:

  • Race day helps dreams come true!  
  • A race is a token of appreciation!
  • Everyone's own pace is their race!  
  • A race bears gifts for all!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Ontario Running Road Race Review

Ontario Running Road Race Review

I am a quite the regular average runner.  I am sure there are much better race reviews out there from much better runners.  Still, I paid my entrance fee, I was a part of the race regardless where I started or ended up, so this is how I saw it.

I started running in 2012 a bit more than just tread-milling and since have participated in over 50 road, trail and obstacle course races (23 road races in 2012, 16 road races in 2013 and 14 road races in 2014).  I'd like to share some experience of my participation in those races, which are mostly within or around Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Here is a link to my list of races that I participated over the past couple of years:  Road Race Results

Below is a highlight of all the races I've been privileged to participate in:

Race Timeline Fees SWAG Buzz Difficulty Scenic Support Charity
5 km
Toronto Spring Run-Off Spring $60 Elite Yes Hard Yes Great The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation
Toronto Goodlife Spring $50 plaque Yes Easy Great SickKids Foundation
Whitby WIN Spring $40 BBQ Easy Yes Abilities Centre
Grimsby Tim Hortons Peach Bud Spring $40 BBQ Medium West Lincoln Memorial Hospital Foundation Inc.
Bowmanville Alfie Shrubb Classic Spring $40 Alfie Medal Easy Camp Oochigeas
Toronto Pride and Remembrance Summer $30 Yes Easy Great Foundation
Bum Run Summer Free Elite Yes Easy Colon Cancer Canada
Oakville Drew Hildebrand Summer $35 Yes Easy Great Drew Hildebrand Teen Benefit Fund
Mississauga Erica's Wish 5k Summer $40 BBQ Medium Yes Great Canadian Cancer Society
Toronto Pearson RunWay Summer $60 Medium Yes Hope Air
Dundas Cactus Summer $40 BBQ Medium
Oshawa Durham 1/8 Marathon Summer $45 coins Yes Easy Yes Amazing The Refuge
Mississauga Unforgettable Run Summer $40 certificate Easy Yes Alzheimer Society Peel
Toronto Midsummer Night's Run Summer $100 BBQ Hard Yes SickKids Foundation
Toronto Energizer Night Race Summer $70 head lights Yes Hard Yes Sunnybrook Foundation
Orillia CANI Race 2 Summer $33 grabs Easy Yes The Sharing Place 
Toronto MEC Series Race 3 Summer $15 Bars Easy
Hamilton Slainte Summer $20 Beer Super Easy Yes
Hamilton Downhill Classic Summer $20 Beer Super Easy Yes
Toronto Downsview Summer $30 gift cards Yes Medium Yes Humber River Hospital Foundation
Toronto ZooRun Fall $45 Elite Yes Hard Amazing Great Toronto Zoo
Toronto 5K Fall $55 gift cards Medium SickKids Foundation
Toronto Ten Miler Fall $40 gift cards Yes Easy The Living City Foundation
Toronto Downsview Park Fall $40 gift cards Medium Humber River Hospital Foundation
8 km
Burlington Robbie Burns Winter $40 Oatmael Amazing Easy Jumpstart
Toronto Spring Run-Off Spring $60 gear Hard Yes Great The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation
Toronto Angus Glen 5 Miler Spring $70 BBQ Yes Hard Amazing Markham Stouffville Hospital
Toronto Dawn at the Don Summer $55 Easy Yes Junior Development Program
Hamilton Imperial Glass Fall $20 Beer Easy Yes
10 km
Toronto Sporting Life Spring $60 Super Easy Yes Great Camp Ooch
Toronto Yonge St.  Spring $55 Elite Yes Super Easy Yes Great Canadian Cancer Society
Oakville Mercedes-Benz Spring $65 a new Car Yes Easy Oakville Community Foundation
Toronto Longboat Island Summer $55 gift cards Yes Easy Amazing Great Start2Finish
Toronto ZooRun Fall $45 Elite Yes Hard Amazing Great Toronto Zoo
Whitby Waterfront Fall $40 BBQ Easy Yes Abilities Centre
15 km
Mississauga Bread & Honey Spring $50 Yes Medium Yes Easter Seals
Half Marathon
Peterborough YMCA Half Winter $70 Medium Yes YMCA Strong Kids Foundation
Toronto Goodlife Spring $95 Yes Medium Yes Great SickKids Foundation
St. Catharines Grapes Fall $60 Wine Yes Medium Yes Heart & Stroke Foundation
Ottawa The Canadian Fall $120 BBQ Easy Carefor Health and Community Services
Run Ajax Fall $50 Easy Yes Jumpstart
Toronto Downsview Fall $50 Medium Humber River Hospital Foundation
Toronto Scotiabank Waterfront Fall $85 Elite Yes Medium Yes Great Scientists in School
30 km
Hamilton Around the Bay Winter $90 Elite Amazing Hard Amazing Great St. Joseph's Healthcare Foundation
Toronto Goodlife Summer $110 Elite Medium Yes Great SickKids Foundation
Ottawa Marathon Summer $100 Elite Yes Medium Amazing Amazing Charities
Toronto Scotiabank Waterfront Fall $110 Elite Yes Easy Yes Great Scientists in School

Below are some personalized reviews for each race in timeline sequence:

Toronto Half Marathon 2007

I entered this race with absolutely no training beyond the usual weight juggling at the gym.

I was overwhelmed for my first road race by the numbers of people.  Not only could I not find my friends before the race, I had no idea where to start.  Luckily there was plenty of volunteers to help out and I appreciate their energy.

My recommendation from this race experience is maybe try to race a smaller race first before jumping into the big leagues.

Harry Rosen 5k April 2010

Harry Rosen 5k always marks the beginning of spring for the city of Toronto.

The presentation is fantastic with a podium stage, an announcement stage at the start of the race, lots of favorable signage, and a super large troupe of volunteers.

The course is challenging - what a great way to welcome the spring!

Harry Rosen 5k April 2011

There has to be a running event that can be done year over year.  This race is always the same every year so if this is your annual ritual, expect the expected.

Harry Rosen 5k April 2012

This race provided a pamphlet to interest me into another race which suggested there was a draw to win a Mercedes if I completed a 10 k race.  All I had to do was complete a 10 k race?  Considering I haven't actually raced a 10 k, this was actually intimidating.  I never felt I was one of those 10 k people.  Regardless I entered the race, just to see if I could do it and there is a chance I could win the draw for the Mercedes which leads to the next race.

Mercedes-Benz 10K April 2012

What attracted me to this race was that the sponsor was giving out a free car to the winning draw for anyone who could finish the race.  This was the big leagues for me, to race in a 10 k race.  I haven't ran more than 20 minutes on a treadmill, and only ran a few road 5 k races.  Other than that, racing a 10 k was unheard of... until this race.

As you can tell from this picture, I was suffering.  What is funny is that compared to all of the other races I've participated, this course is super easy and fun.

The presentation is amazing with full access to the college grounds, there is a large podium for the free car draw.  This is another great race to kick off the spring!

Yonge St. 10K April 2012

This was a great race and fantastic presentation at the start of the race.  They make this race feel like it is a real race, with elites and introductions...

There is a great number of people racing this event.  The best part, it is a downhill race!  If you are going to race a race once and only once, then downhill is a lot easier.

What was also nice was taking advantage of the large array of post-race snacks.  This race, being right in the heat of Toronto, made a great way to enjoy the nice weather for the rest of the day.

Toronto Marathon 5K May 2012

What was great about this race was that all the great runners were either racing the Half Marathon or the Marathon. So entering into the 5 k event is a lot less emphatic on elites.

Well, that was what I thought until the race started. There was a great set of runners all ahead of me and it put me into a challenge.

Even the 5 k awards are plaques, which is nice because non-elites could get a chance to get some SWAG.

There is good support for this race.

Whitby WIN 5K May 2012

The course leads to a pleasant boardwalk which is a nice change for a road race.

There is great food after the race with plenty of room to socialize and share race experiences with others.

The 5 k route is separate from the other distances of the day which is a nice change, it is more organized that way.  And of course, it is nice to have a 5 k race with the longer distances so that all the elites run the longer distances, leaving a controlled group for this race.

Alfie Shrubb 5K June 2012

The event organizers share the story about the Alphie Shrubb who started from running to help a fire to morph into a world class running competitor. The historical context of the race was such an inspiration. The crowd was excited by the inspiration. There was a lot of supporters and the post-race festivities was enjoyable.

Unforgettable Run 5K June 2012

The crowd was great and the course was also nice. It is a small turnout for the race and the director sends out certificates of achievement to each of the participants.

Race for Teens 5K June 2012

The presentation is well thought out for this race.  They emphasize the charity and the cause for the race, which inspires everyone.  The post race snacks are great and it is a nice getaway from the city to relax and socialize.

Toronto Pearson 5K June 2012

This was a very different race compared to any other. We were allowed to race on the actual Pearson airport!

The presentation was unique, they actually park a plane by the finish line.  So, when you are racing, you can see where you are going from kilometers away!

The snacks were pretty good, there is a lot of buzz around this race.  The course is pretty straightforward... you pretty much run straight forward.

Angus Glen 5 Miler June 2012

The course was on the Angus Glen golf course which is beautiful.

The post-race festivities was social and fun. By far being on the the best races where you get to lounge on the golfing grounds as long as you want.

I spent the rest of the evening at this race since the organizers reserved an entire section of the patio for us all to enjoy.

The course was quite challenging with small hills and turns around the fairways and greens.  The scenery makes up for it.

Downsview Park 5K July 2012

The post festivities were great and as always for this series of races, the gear they gave us was very nice. I received a park blanket from this race which designated Canada Day.

There is a lot of thought put into the presentation for these races.  A scottish bag-pipe is trumpeted before the race starts.  There is always a podium, the food is great and chances to get SWAG is achievable.

Dawn at the Don 8k July 2012

This race has quite a competitive crowd.  The Olympic club hosts the event and they show up prepared.

The entire event is contained within the grounds of Sunnybrook Park.  It is easy to park and orient the course.  The park has some great scenery which is perfect for a race on a nice day.

Durham 1/8 Marathon July 2012

This race was really fun.  I met a lot of new people and really enjoyed the course.

The finishing line was unique in that it was riddled with a huge crowd of supporters which added to the excitement.

I appreciated the race awards and presentation for the race, the gave out flowers to the age group finalists. The sponsor for the race also threw in a really unique finishing awards, which were memorable coins.

MEC Summer 5K Toronto July 2012

It was this cost friendly race which made the event worth getting up early in the morning.  MEC takes advantage of some very good trails and pathways to host the race.

The post race snacks comprise of protein bars from their sponsors.

CANI Race 2 - 5K August 2012

What was most special about this race was after the finish, we all got to jump into the lake at the finish line to freshen up.

The presentation and awards was a nice touch to the cottage country setting for this race.

Toronto 5K August 2012

This was a highly competitive race.   There were two races in Toronto called "Toronto 5k".  This one was the Toronto Ten Miler race.

The presentation for this race was excellent.  One year they had presentations at the The Distillery Historic District and another year at Cherry Beach.

Bum Run 5K August 2012

This race has a unique name for the run for a great charity.  All of the races are for great charities, but this race is really effective in marketing the charity message.

The people were very supportive for this race. The prizes were excellent, but only for elites.

The course was fun and quite easy.

The Canadian Half Marathon September 2012

Running in the evening was a treat as it starts in the evening.  What a way to enjoy a full day in nice weather and then finish off with a half marathon event.  Getting an opportunity to race while the sun is setting is inspiring.

The course rolls along a long windy park with a waterfront and a lot of supporters.

The BBQ at the end of the race is a nice touch with picnic tables and full access to the track.

It was also nice to see the other races going on such as the Iron Man events.

Energizer Night 5K September 2012

All of the runners had to wear a head light while racing.  It was a unique experience trying to balance light in front of the running trajectory.  It was challenging returning on the course with other people in the race.  It was a very popular race with a huge turnout and Sunnybrook park is not designed for such an event.   Yet there is no other place that a light show should be.  I considered this a fun race which is was entirely, I enjoyed it!

The event ended with a stunning light show with a live band.  It was very cool to enjoy a nice summer night.

Longboat Island 10k September 2012

The course was super awesome because I am a big fan of running on wooden boardwalks.  The course is also super flat since it is the Hiawatha Islands.

There is always a BBQ after the race and the presentations are a great way to enjoy the day.  This is definitely a race to bring the entire family.

Toronto 5K September 2012

My favorite race in Toronto because of the downhill. There is also a huge uphill but that is later in the race.

The competition for this race is always amazing.  Some racers seem to do really well at this race compared to other races.

The post race festivities for this race are pretty cool.

Zoo Run 5K September 2012

This race was tough! It was so fun. Racing at the Zoo, who knew?

Not only did I spend some extra time at the post-event, eating snacks and socializing, I also got a chance to navigate the Zoo.

There was an abundant set of little hills in this race.  Since all of the elites enter in the 10 k race, it is a lot easier to enter the 5 k race and get a feel for the competition.

Grapes Half Marathon September 2012

The half marathon race started off with a hill, then eased off into a flat course for most of the remainder of the race.

This was the only race that put up huge tents for the race which made the event appear so much better.

There is always some great elites that race this event.  For the awards, they give out wine bottles to the top place finishers for each age group.

Scotiabank Marathon October 2012

I raised so much money and awareness for though participating in this race.   There are so many charity options to choose from with the registration.

There is such a huge group of racers and supporters for this race.   The presentation and buzz for this race is outstanding.

The prizes are also amazing, but all go to the elites of the event.  However, there is some top prizes for best races in Canada which is a nice tough for this Canadian series event.

Downsview Half November 2012

It is a great experience to be able to race through Downsview park, since it is a part of Toronto.  The presentation for this race is always great with bag-pipes kicking off the event, announcements and call out to the charity.

The post-race food consists of the usual basics along with hot beans and soup.  A necessity for ending a challenging race.

The course has some hills and is quite challenging.  The park has some great scenic appeal to it and is really maintained well.

This was a great race to complete the running season!

Whitby Waterfront 10K November 2012

The course included a boardwalk throughout the course.   It was completely flat for the 10 k component.

The post-race festivities was a great experience, there was a free beer and everybody shared tables inside a social community center.

Imperial Glass 8K November 2012

Hamilton races are always a great time. It feels like participating in one of those tailgate parties except running instead of tailgating. It is just that feel of Hamilton that provides that atmosphere.

The course was super flat. The post-race festivities were really fun, sharing the local sports Irish bar

Tannenbaum 10K December 2012

The course was super flat.

The race participants were all super competitive and the awards presentation emphasized top performances.

It was a nice scenic route along the Toronto beaches.

Around the Bay March 2013

What an amazing race!   We all get to share the FirstOntario Centre where each of the running clubs bond.

The race starts downtown Hamilton, then routes all the way around the bay, all the way back to downtown, completely Around the Bay!

What a challenge.  There are hills, flat straight sections and a lot of runners.  More runners in one single arena that you may ever see.

The best part of the race was the bus ride home with the running club.  Longboat is fun.

Spring Run-Off 8K April 2013

The 8 k for this race is a little tougher than the 5 k as it has a few more hills on the course.  So with the challenge comes the appeal.  There are race prices for the elites, but also a unique race price for the best costume.  More chances for anyone to win!

Both the 8 k and the 5 k get a great presentation and the crowd support is nice at the top of the very last hill.

Mercedes-Benz 10K April 2013

Like the Longboat Island Race, this race also has a race for the kids.  On top of that, after the kids get their medals, then the mascots race against each other.  The kids really enjoy getting involved and coaching this event.

Anyone can win the car which makes the prize for this race the most impressive out of any race in the world!  You just have to finish the race for a chance to win the draw.

Toronto Marathon May 2013

The starting line is far up Yonge street past Sheppard and around the corner.  The course winds south on Yonge street through different neighborhoods, then finally up waterfront into Ontario Place grounds.  It is considered an easy course, but with the sudden changes in weather, this race can have surprises.

This is the single largest medal that I have to date.  It weighs more than all my other medals combined!

Sporting Life 10K May 2013

The most exciting part of this event was the bib packet pickup before the race. The way they organize the bib pick up creates excitement and anticipation for the race.

The course is easy, all downhill south on Yonge.  The is a lot of people participating in this race which makes for great pictures!

Bread Honey 15K June 2013

This race was quite competitive and fast.

The awards presentation is hosted in the gymnasium with plenty of seating area for the racers.  The food after the race is great.

Alfie Shrubb 8K June 2013

As with many races, there is a walking course.  This is great for people who want to come out and participate that might have injuries or too busy to train.

The course has a small hill at the halfway point, but otherwise quite flat and easy.

Tim Hortons Peach Bud 5K June 2013

If you get under 20 minutes in this race, everyone is awarded the 20 minute club medal.

The food is great and the venue is indoors which is a good change when the weather starts heating up!

Pride and Remembrance 5K June 2013

The beginning of the race has special presentation and announcements with opportunities for picture taking.

The course is very easy, just twice around Queen's Park.

This is a very competitive event with a lot of racers just ending off their spring training.

5K Series Race 3 August 2013

This race in Hamilton was quite a nice change.  It is a flat course through Bayfront Park which runs along the bay adding great scenery.

The post race meal is pizza or lasagna and is hosted at Slainte Irish Pub.

There is some awards and the results add up points to go towards bigger prizes at the next Hamilton race events.

A Midsummer Night's Run August 2013

Sometimes the race is hosted on the Leslie Spit, but this year it was hosted on Toronto Island.  Being a different location for this race posed some challenges.  The course was very easy and flat.

There was a BBQ with a lot of food to eat after the event.

Slainte 5K August 2013

The event course is at Bayfront Park which runs along the bay adding great scenery.    The event is very cost effective and has a good crowd.

The post race meal is pizza or lasagna and is hosted at Slainte Irish Pub.

There were three races for the year which added up to even greater prizes that were given out at this event.

Toronto 5K August 2013

The weather was beautiful, the people were super nice.  It was one of the best races that I can say hurt the most.  It is a quick race with a lot of competitive racers in the event.

The race starts and finishes at the same place, but there are no turn around points which is really helpful.   The race course is around an entire block and up St. Clair ending at Sir Winston Churchill Park.

Run Ajax Half Marathon September 2013

This race is very scenic as it winds along the waterfront.   The last two kilometers of the race go straight along Harwood Ave into the entrance of the Ajax Community Centre. There are some short tiny hills, but the course is mostly flat and easy to orient.

The timing for this race is great marking the end of hot summer days.

Scotiabank Half October 2013

I raised awareness and money for the Scientists in School charity.  There are so many charities to support for this race.

The beginning of the race is mostly downhill for the first 6 kilometers.  The last few kilometers are slightly uphill to the finish line.  It can be an easy race if those aspects of the course are paced appropriately.

The buzz for this race is great.  They send out email newsletters out to the participants to help training.  There is also a huge expo for this race with a lot of great SWAG.

For Ontario, this race has a lot of great competition, from within Canada and worldwide.

Downsview Half November 2013

The course has challenging moments, but there is also a straight long section through the runway.

The food after the event is outstanding with hot beans and a lot of race basics to consume.

The presentation for the beginning and the awards is also touching and includes everyone.

Tannenbaum 10K December 2013

This course is flat and scenic going along the beaches.

There is always a lot of competitive runners in this race and it is geared to demonstrate talent and skill.

Robbie Burns 8K January 2014

All racers shared the entire hallways, gym and presentation center of the nearby Burlington school. It was a super competitive field of runners so seeing them all interact and then race was inspiring.

There was a tribute of bag pipe players in a band for the start of the race which helped ease the tension of a tough and nimble course.

There was also retro winter gear to wear for the race.  It is a tough time to race being January, but still a great way to get outdoors and enjoy it.

Peterborough Y Half February 2014

This race was a true outdoor challenge to compliment the extreme cold winter weather.

The course had some hills and windy turns but was managed well by the volunteers.

We all got to share the YMCA for the event to chill and enjoy the post-race festivities.

Toronto Yonge St. 10K April 2014

A thrilling downhill race with Canada's top racers at the starting line.  The presentations are great and introduce the elite group and also provide a countdown for everyone.

There is an entire wide area for post-race festivities.

There is an exception number of volunteers helping this race.  There is also a lot of crowd support for this race along the entire route.

Sporting Life 10K May 2014

There is an exceptional number of volunteers helping this race, more than any other event.  The bib pick up is quite organized with an assistance section.

The course is entirely downhill and is right on the brink of summer so it does get quite warm near the end of the race.

Ottawa Marathon May 2014

The expo for this event was full of vendor booths which ended the bib packet pickup.

The course had some inclines but I couldn't account for any of them being hills.  As a matter of fact, the entire course felt like a slight incline.

The crowd support for this race was amazing.  There were so many communities and supporters providing energy for all of the racers.

We also got a chance to see the Elite runners as they passed us on a few of the loops that crossed along the course.

Erica's Wish 5K August 2014

The course was mostly flat shooting along a stream and through trees.

The post race event was quite social. There was a lot of food and a lot of support for the charity event.

Dundas Cactus 5k August 2014

There is a bit of a hill on this course, but the incline is easy to climb.

The presentation and awards for this race was very thoughtful.  Elites received flowers, while age group winners received gift cards.

There was also a BBQ at the entrance to a park.

Hamilton Downhill Classic August 2014

This course was all downhill. The descent grade was about 1 or 2 % so it was easier on the legs.  The course went through the escarpment which had nice scenery.  Also the organizer provided us a bus shuttle to the starting line of the race which drove to the top of the Hamilton Escarpment which has a nice very of the valley.

The post race meal was pizza hosted at Slainte Irish Pub.

There were three races for the year which added up to even greater prizes that were given out at this event.

Downsview 5k September 2014

This course winds around Downsview park a couple times with some short hills. The scenery for this course is beautiful.

The presentation for these race series includes a bag-pipe at the start, with announcements. The awards includes a podium and some words reserved for the charity.

There is also a monitored kid race in the park.

ZooRun 10k September 2014

The course is amazing as it goes throughout the Zoo grounds. There are a lot of hills throughout.

There is plenty of basic foods at the end of the race.

This race is great for clubs to bond together after the race. The entire post race venue is on grass which is a nice setting after a race.

Toronto 5k September 2014

A flat course with only a single turn for the entire race makes this a good challenge to achieve a great finishing time.

The presentation for these race series includes a bag-pipe at the start, with announcements. The awards and post race venue is hosted on Cherry Beach.

To conclude the review of the races that I've participated in over the recent years, if you would choose just one race, I would recommend that you enter any one of the above.

Each race has it's appeal and uniqueness and ultimately you are paying to run/walk to the finish line.  Just as long as you are enjoying the outdoors as you move, they are all fantastic in that regard.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Repeating Performance I ponder and reflect my races, I wade through and explore patterns of my performance, some of which annoyingly repeat.

We all run and train and engage in races to challenge ourselves.  In a way, we try to create our own patterns, create our own destiny.

Still, I get into those moods where I feel I'm stuck in some repeating pattern and there is no way out no matter how hard I try.

That is when... I look first outwards at my race performances in review.  When I find nothing helpful which precisely outlines my destiny options, then I switch and look inwards.

My First Memory

Instead of looking at today's world, which is pretty much a chaotic mess, I revert to more simpler times, such as... my first memory.

My very first memory,  I was probably about two years old.

What I remember was sitting with a lot of other people around the same age as myself.

This experience to me seemed like it was some kind of party.  I made the assumption that there was gifts going around.

Knowing that I might be getting gifts, I remember being very attentive.  Looking for the rules I had to follow to get those gifts that seemed to be going around.

All of us in the group were sharing ideas on what we needed to do to... establishing the rules we all had to follow.  I was trying hard to capture all the communication.  I was having a tough time figuring it out, I'm not the best at taking notes.

I also remember trying to see if I could persuade the people next to me if I could be passed some gifts considering that was the rules of the game.  I remember receiving something and I felt I had to pass it on, because I was about to get some better gift.   I passed on whatever I had to make sure I was free'd up.

I was quite excited.  What a party.

In reality, if you were to see me in that very experience, you would most likely see a bunch of snotty nosed toddlers sat down all in a tight circle by their parents.  Crying and throwing things around, making a mess and sporadically chanting clueless rants.

To all of us, however, in that circle of toddlers, it was very complex and meaningful and extremely important.   What is interesting about this memory, as I remember it, is that I built up side stories about every person at the so called 'party'.  I built up side stories about the game, about gift receiving and giving, about how everyone was communicating with me on how the game as to be followed.

Essentially, I made assumptions, made generalizations and everything fit the story, all aligning together towards me getting a gift.

Racing Patterns

Now, I am not going to sit here and analyze my first memory and how it plays out in my race performances.  All I can suggest is that it is still in my banks.

Whether or not I value my performance is not what I am trying to figure out here.  Rather it is such that I am wondering why I keep repeating the same performances over and over.

I'm just annoyed with repeating performances, whatever the value is.

Lose Yourself to Grow

There is however, one very unique performance, that I have had the chance to experience at least a few times out of my hundreds of races and tournaments.  That very unique performance is why I keep trying and coming out.

What is that unique performance?   It is the performance that just doesn't fit with my regular pattern of performance.  Where I somehow perform at some level or another that is beyond current comprehension.  Rarely happens, but I can assure that for each of those instances, I grew in character.

So, if I think about those unique performances in congruence with anything else in my life.  I appeal that I wasn't carrying anything with me into those instances.  I actually was not really even thinking or aware or even there.  I lost myself, I let go of everything and just relaxed and let whatever happen, happen.  That is the benefit of being caught up in the moment of a race and letting go.  Running sometimes does that if you allow it.

I just sometimes look for uniqueness out of every race, every performance.  Dredging through my first ever memory is quite complicated to carry around with me everywhere.  I actually feel it weighs me down when I race, no matter how I would want to analyze it.  Even if it is silent back in my sub-conscience.

Part of losing yourself is also losing all of that complexity that weighs you down.  Which is the idea of just letting go.  When I let go, I do lose myself in the performance, not concerned with however it turns out... as if it was to be a new experience, becoming the new, more relevant first memory of my life.